Tax On Web - Management Of The Internet

Tax On Web

The U.S. government plan to give authority over the basic architecture of Tax On Web the Internet for global Internet community could endanger the security of the Internet and the United States - and open the door to a global tax on the use the Web. Management of the U.S.

Internet has been exemplary and there is no reason to give this away - for nothing, former Bush administration State Department advisor Christian Whiten said Daily calls. "Tax On Web It's the equivalent of Beam's decision to Carter gave the Panama Canal.

Only possible with much worse consequences. Commerce of the United States said on Friday it give up control of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ( ICANN) - the organization Tax On Web responsible for the management of domain names, Internet Protocol address allocation and other key features Web - after his current contract expires next year.

Months in response to growing criticism of the international community in monitoring programs of large filtered by former agency contractor national security Edward Snowmen, the government on allegations that he had too much influence on the web with ICANN Tax On Web designating the roadman devices on the web for websites and servers worldwide.

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